Latest news.
06 June 2019
Here at Leap in! HQ we’re often asked how to stay safe online when using mobile phones, tablets or computers.
This week’s story is the first in a series about staying safe online and in it, we will focus on basic safety tips for using a mobile...
04 June 2019
Did you know that finding time to be creative can make you happier? The creative crew here at Leap in! have been exploring creativity and the positive impact it can have on our lives.
The wonderful thing about creativity is that there are many...
30 May 2019
Service providers are your personal team of supporters. Their job is to help you live your best life and achieve your goals.
A service provider is a person, business or organisation who delivers funded services as part of your NDIS Plan. Service...
29 May 2019
One of the regular questions we are asked here at Leap in! HQ is what happens if I spend my NDIS funding early?
Running out of money can be stressful. The NDIA won’t usually approve an increase in funding if you have run out of money because you...
16 May 2019
This is the second story in our series about allied health professionals and how they can help you. In our first story, we looked at the role of Speech therapists: what they do and how they can help you.Today, we’ll take a look at occupational...
09 May 2019
A topic that seems to attract a lot of interest for people with Down Syndrome is making decisions.
Today, we’d like to share a new resource from Down Syndrome Australia designed to support people with Down Syndrome to be involved in making...