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Cathy uses the modality of Art Therapy to support and develop areas of individual needs.

Art Therapy supports physical and emotional development and it is fun. It includes drawing, painting, clay and modelling, collage and construction, including fine motor skills, muscle development, eye hand coordination, communication, language skills, social skills, following directions, organisation and visual cues, sensory processing, self regulation, attention and concentration, working memory, body awareness, balance and coordination and it is effective in the reduction of stress and anxiety and depression.

​With a track record of achieving positive and long-lasting change with success, Cathy is a former educator and counsellor in learning development and has combined her vast knowledge with hypnotherapy to achieve astounding results for her clients. She is respected by her clients as caring, softly-spoken, compassionate and accessible.

  • Develop strategies to reduce daily stress levels
  • Use techniques that really work to get you back in control of your life
  • Find strategies to develop your work life balance
  • Build skills for working through emotional issues and self sabotage
  • Use strategies to develop acceptance of the things that you can't change and to work out how to change the things that you can
  • Experience self improvement with emotional release in a safe and private environment Learn to accept self acknowledgement and realise you are good enough
  • Develop competence and feel in control of your own life
  • Learn to tap into existing skills and resources that have been used in the past to solve problems, and become self-empowered
  • Explore relationship issues and develop communication skills
  • Release emotions that can make it difficult to lose weight
  • Overcome addictions and the need to use patterns of behaviours to cope.

Our organisation supports:

Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Developmental delay
Global development delay
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Other sensory/speech
Other – physical
Vision Impairment / Blindness

Service types our organisation supports:

Family counselling
Individual counselling
Other counselling
Skill development

Our locations:

Brisbane - East
Brisbane - Inner City
Brisbane - North
Brisbane - South
Brisbane - West
Moreton Bay
Sunshine Coast