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12 September 2019

Overnight care, short term accommodation and the NDIS.

Understanding funding for overnight care and support under the NDIS can be confusing.

Today, we’ll take a look at the options for getting overnight care and then explain how to prepare so you are ready for your NDIS Plan meeting.

Both ongoing and temporary overnight support fall under the Assistance with Daily Life category of the NDIS Core supports budget. This category covers support for everyday personal activities that assist you to live as independently as possible.

Ongoing overnight assistance.

If you or someone you care for requires ongoing assistance with personal daily living tasks including overnight support, the NDIS funding will come from the “Assistance with daily living” support category.

The amount of funding available depends on the person’s living arrangements and needs:

  1. Where more intense overnight support is required and the caregiver will not have the option to sleep, the NDIS will pay a maximum hourly rate depending on where you live. No quote is required.
  2. Where overnight support is needed but the caregiver is able to sleep when not required to give support, a nightly rate applies which varies depending on your location. No quote is required.

In shared living environments, different rates may apply based on the number of people in the residence and if more intensive individual overnight support is needed.

Short term accommodation and assistance.

Short term overnight accommodation may be required for a range of reasons such as:

  • The usual care giver will be away or requires a break

  • The NDIS participant has a variable condition that occasionally requires additional overnight support

  • Emergency care when the usual carer becomes unavailable at short notice.

The options for obtaining short term support overnight are:

  1. Attending a centre or group residence.Many live-in centres or care group residences offer short term accommodation for a single night up to several weeks. The NDIS provides a daily rate which covers all expenses including support for self-care, overnight support, food and activities.Note that different rates apply based on the number of people in the group residence and for weekdays, weekends and public holidays.
  2. Obtaining assistance in the home.Short term or emergency overnight care at your home comes under the Assistance with self-care category. The amount of funding available depends on the level of care required.

Obtaining support for overnight care in your NDIS Plan.

It is important that your NDIS Plan includes funding for both ongoing and short-term overnight care needs and takes into consideration any planned absences by regular caregivers.

The Leap in! app can help you prepare the information you need to explain your goals around assistance with overnight care in your NDIS Plan meeting. The app allows you to record a complete picture of your home situation and the supports you receive.

Be prepared by using the app to set related goals such as making arrangements for your family to have a break or maintaining the current overnight supports you receive. Recording these goals will help ensure you receive the NDIS funding you need for overnight support.

We are here to help.

If you have any questions about short term accommodation or self-care assistance and the NDIS, call us on 1300 05 78 78, email or sign up to Leap in! plan management today

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