Looking for an NDIS plan manager in Adelaide or South Australia?
Leap in! is Australia’s leading plan manager.
Leap in! is dedicated to helping people with disability get the most out of their NDIS Plans. We understand the NDIS can be complex and there can be a lot of time-consuming administrative tasks.
That’s why having a dedicated team like Leap in! to support you can make all the difference. Let us handle the paperwork and record keeping so you can focus on living your best life.
Leap in! offers registered plan management services to individuals on the NDIS throughout South Australia. Whether you’re at the beginning of your NDIS journey or you’re looking for a better way to manage your NDIS Plan, we’re here to support you.
Are you looking for a plan manager who puts you first? Are ready to become a Leap in! Member?
Call us on 1300 05 78 78.
Leap in! is with you every step of your NDIS journey.
Make the most of your NDIS Plan.
Keep track of your NDIS budget.
Answer all your NDIS-related questions.
Find providers in your area.
Pay provider invoices.
Flexibility and control.
At Leap in! we believe everyone should have the freedom to live the life they want to lead and access to everything needed to make that happen. With Leap in! plan management you can choose how you want to spend your NDIS funds and which providers to work with.
Answers to your NDIS questions.
Could your NDIS funding go further? Are you struggling to find supports or providers? We’ll answer all your questions, connect you to NDIS providers in Adelaide and South Australia and support you to implement your NDIS goals.
We know the NDIS.
If you’re looking for a team of experts to help you navigate the NDIS look no further than the Leap in! Crew. We help you understand processes, policies and language that can seem complex at first! We’re knowledgeable, helpful and excellent at explaining things.
Award-winning app.
The award-winning Leap in! app makes it easy to track your budgets in real time. Plus your profile stores all the information you need to prepare for your NDIS Plan and Plan reassessment meetings.
Find providers in your area.
The Leap in! Provider Network Directory makes it easier to find services and supports in your area. There are thousands of NDIS providers in the Leap in! Provider Network Directory that can help with everything from allied health to yard maintenance.
Winner Most Outstanding Plan Management Award2023 Australian Disability Service Awards |
How the NDIS supports people in Adelaide and South Australia.
The NDIS supports a wide range of people with disability in South Australia.
Autism 41%
Intellectual disability 16%
Developmental delay 9%
Psychosocial disability 7%
Deaf or hard of hearing 4%
Other neurological 3%
Other physical 3%
State-wide 2.5% of NDIS participants live in remote or very remote locations. People with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds make up 7% and 6.6% are First Nations people.
active NDIS participants
$4,345 million
total value of plan budgets
of people with and NDIS plan have a plan manager
Getting plan management in Adelaide or South Australia is easy - you just need to ask the NDIS for it.
To get plan management in Adelaide or South Australia, you can ask your NDIS planner at your plan meeting or plan reassessment. Or you can phone the NDIS and ask for plan management at any time.
Anyone can choose to work with a plan manager and you don’t have to pay anything extra. The NDIS puts additional funds in your plan to cover the cost of plan management.
Ready to become a Leap in! member? Register now.
If you currently have a plan manager and would like to switch to Leap in! contact us and we can help. Or if you’re looking for a plan manager who will always put you first, we would love to hear from you!
Send us a message and we'll be in touch.
Would you like to discuss if plan management is right for you? Are you looking for the best plan manager? Ready to make the switch to a new plan manager? Our Crew is here to answer your questions. Send us your details and we will contact you.
Simply fill in your contact details using the form below or call us on 1300 057 878 to get started.