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Anowah provides a range of exciting accommodation options for people with a disability who require various levels of support.

We also provide a day program (called The Hub)

Anowah operates 7 group homes situated on a beautiful 5-acre property located in Horsley Park. Here you will find a peaceful, tranquil setting with pleasing grounds and plenty of room to move. These group homes cater to clients who may have complex needs and require high levels of support. All of these homes provide 24/7 accommodation, some with “awake” staff if needed.

We also have community housing that offer short-term solutions.

At Anowah, we make it our business to “know” our clients across all our services. Staff and management are dedicated to developing friendships and building personal rapport with the people with a disability in our care, so that they feel comfortable, settled and safe in their “home” environment. Clients are encouraged to establish and maintain friendships with their peers and are supported with regular catch ups and get togethers.

Anowah’s Hub program (day program) is flexible to meet your individual needs. Staff at Anowah are here to provide a safe friendly atmosphere. Participants are made to feel comfortable with a sense of belonging, forming, and maintaining friendships and increasing motor and social skills while being supported to be independent, with confidence. Our programs at the hub are designed to increase communication and daily living skills in a safe and fun environment.

Our organisation supports:


Diagnoses and conditions:

Intellectual disability

Service types our organisation supports:

Group/Centre Activities
Medium Term Accommodation
Shared living support (24 hour)
Short Term Accommodation
Support Independent Living

Our locations:

Blue Mountains
Sydney - Parramatta