Send enquiry

Make friends and community connections.

Flourish can support you to meet new people and find friendship or get more involved in social activities and become more connected in your local community.

Receive everyday support.

If you could use some support with your day-to-day needs, like getting around or staying physically well, eating well or simply having someone to talk to, Flourish can assist.

Find a place to call home.

Flourish can help you to find the right place for you and maintain it. 

Take better care of your health & wellbeing.

They can connect you with the right people, professionals, services and skills for your needs.
Gain education & training.

With Flourish Australia you can access a wide range of opportunities for education or training and gain the qualifications, experience and practical life skills you need to go after your dreams.

Get the job you want.

Flourish can open doors to full time or part time work and training with their social enterprise and community businesses and assist with bringing your skills up-to-date or transitioning to open employment.

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Parents/Legal Guardians
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Mental Health
Other psychosocial/psychiatric

Service types our organisation supports:

Assist Travel/Transport
Assistance in the community with daily activities
Assistance with household tasks
Community Connection
Community participation/inclusion
Finding employment
Free Tools/Support
Group/Centre Activities
Individual counselling
Other counselling
Personal care
Skill development
Sport and recreation activities

Our locations:

Sydney - Inner City