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Mates That Matter is a Sydney based, all male, also NDIS friendly organisation which provides a community for males from 18 to 35 who may at times feel as though they struggle socially. 

Whether this is the result of any condition you / they may face, due to the fact that you / they have been marginalised or just because you / they may not have the time or capacity to find good quality mates, the team run a program which is designed to help men create their own Mates That Matter.


Mates That Matter do this by organising and hosting weekly events on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Mates That Matter events, which are approximately 3 hours long, allow you/them to socialise and spend quality time with your/their mates whilst engaging in fun and demographic appropriate activities. 


A few activities include; live sports events, Pub nights, live music events, BBQ - beach days, personal training days and much more.

It is their mission to help as many males as possible with their mental health through mate-ship & socialising. 

Mates That Matter's short story: After being forced into lockdown during 2020, the founders realised more than ever the effects of isolation and loneliness on the mental health of the many boys who worked together.

Creating Mates That Matter allowed the team to provide extremely valuable social outlets for their boys.

The team at Mates That Matter look forward in assisting you create your own Mates That Matter!

Better understand what Mates That Matter do below! 

Facebook Page


Instagram Page 

Our organisation supports:

Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Developmental delay
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Invisible Disability
Mental Health
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Other – physical
Physical Disability
Vision Impairment / Blindness

Service types our organisation supports:

Community Connection
Community participation/inclusion
Free Tools/Support
Group/Centre Activities
Sport and recreation activities

Our locations:

Sydney - Blacktown
Sydney - Eastern Suburbs
Sydney - Hills District
Sydney - Inner City
Sydney - Inner West
Sydney - Liverpool
Sydney - North Shore
Sydney - Northern Beaches
Sydney - Parramatta
Sydney - Ryde
Sydney - South
Sydney - South West
Sydney - Sutherland Shire