• ABN 19010762321
  • NDIS Registered Provider
  • www.mifant.org.au
  • 2/273 Bagot Rd, Coconut Grove, NT 0810
Send enquiry

Mental Illness fellowship of Australia (NT) (MIFANT) is a not for profit charitable organisation that has been operating in the NT for over 30 years. With services in Darwin, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs, MIFANT provides recovery based support to people with a mental illness, their families and carers and also early intervention to children and young people at risk of developing a mental illness.

MIFANT also provides a range of NDIS services for people with a mental illness including Recovery Coach, Support Coordination, Social and Community Participation and Community Access. As a not for profit organisation, all NDIS funds go back to providing quality supports.

MIFANT is the NT members for National Organisations Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia and Mental Health Carers Australia. Both organisations provide a national advocacy platform for the NT to be represented on issues affecting the whole of the mental health sector.

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Parents/Legal Guardians
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Mental Health
Other psychosocial/psychiatric

Service types our organisation supports:

Group/Centre Activities
Information Service
Respite (Day)
Respite (overnight)

Our locations:

Alice Springs
Tennant Creek