• ABN 68 641 426 548
  • NDIS Registered Provider
  • sunshinecss.com.au
  • Suite 2, 696 Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley, WA 6050
Send enquiry

Sunshine Counselling and Support Services specialises in:

  • Mental Health Counselling for Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder etc
  • Marriage and Family Counselling for Domestic Violence, Divorce, Relationship Breakup or Parenting
  • Guidance and Career Counselling
  • Educational Counselling
  • Grief and Loss Counselling
  • Life Coach for Specific Professional Projects, Personal Goals and Transitions
  • Addiction Counselling
  • Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Counselling
  • Daily Support Services 
  • Support Coordination 

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Acquired Brain Injury
ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Developmental delay
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Invisible Disability
Mental Health
Motor Neurone Disease
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Physical Disability

Service types our organisation supports:

Allied health – general
Assistance in the community with daily activities
Assistance with household tasks
Behavioural assessment and support
Family counselling
Individual counselling
Other counselling
Personal care
Recovery Coach
Skill development
Support coordination

Our locations:

Perth - East
Perth - Fremantle
Perth - Inner City
Perth - North
Perth - South
Perth - West