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29 January 2020

Attending university: How the NDIS can help.

Are you thinking about attending university but need to know what kind of supports and funding are available to help you participate fully in your chosen course?

The Leap in! Crew understand it can be tricky to get your head around what is and isn’t covered when it comes to higher education and the NDIS. So today, we’re going to take a closer look to help you get the most out of your funding and on the way to achieving your goals!

How the NDIS can help.

Supports for higher education are designed to assist participants to develop new skills and qualifications and to find and retain employment.

The NDIS only covers ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports that are directly related to your disability and they will want to be satisfied that the support will be effective in helping you to pursue your goals.

For example:

  • Is the course appropriate for the goal you have identified?
  • Is it reasonably likely that you will successfully complete the course and is there an opportunity for paid employment or professional volunteering when you have finished?

The NDIS will generally not fund, or continue to fund, higher education when:

  • There is no clear or demonstrated benefit or outcome
  • You fail to maintain satisfactory progress
  • You withdraw or are expelled by the educational facility on the grounds of misconduct.

When it comes to university support, the NDIS will generally fund the following:

  • Self-care at university, which is related to your disability, like support with eating
  • Specialised training of teachers and other staff about the specific personal support needs as a student with a disability
  • Specialist transport required because of your disability
  • Transportable equipment such as a wheelchair or personal communication devices.

The NDIS generally doesn’t cover:

  • Compulsory textbooks. However, if there is an increased cost in accessing compulsory course materials due to your disability (for example, an audio book), the NDIS may fund the additional cost.
  • Tuition fees or student membership fees.
  • Phone calls, photocopying, stationery and meals.

Like to know more?

We’re here to help. If you have any questions about getting the right services and supports, call us on 1300 05 78 78.