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09 December 2020

Best of our free resources: Leap in! ebooks, guides and more.

Here at Leap in! we’re a business driven by purpose. We put our Members first and our objective is to help people with disability live their best life.

The Leap in! team has created a number of helpful resources that you, your family, and carers can use to understand the NDIS, manage your NDIS Plan, and achieve your goals.

Each of these resources can be downloaded below.

The Essential NDIS Guide.

If you are a participant in NDIS there are some important terms and processes that you need to be familiar with.

The guide is designed to help you understand how the NDIS works, the type of supports the NDIS funds and the steps you’ll take in creating your NDIS Plan.

NDIS Plan Meeting Checklist.

Your NDIS Plan meeting is an important step in identifying and securing the supports you need to meet your goals.

There are a few things you’ll need to do before your NDIS Plan meeting. You can use the checklist to make sure you have everything covered so you have the best chance to get the outcome you want.

Future Planning: A guide for parents and carers. 

It can be tough to think about the future when you have a disability or care for someone who does.

The Future planning guide is a resource to help parents and carers plan for the future and provides important information about the following areas:

  • Progressive conditions
  • Long-term care
  • Legal and financial considerations
  • Emergency situations.

Having a plan helps to manage changes and challenges confidently and effectively – even in unexpected and emergency situations.

You can also use the Leap in! Emergency Support Plan Template  to record all of your important information in a single document so that you, or your support person, can access it quickly and easily.

Emergency cards are useful tools that will allow other people to help you or your carer in an emergency.

Leap in! has developed two emergency cards:

  • “I have a carer” cards have your details, an outline of the care you require, and the contact details for your carer
  • “I am a carer” card has your carer’s details, your details and the details of the person in your emergency plan.

You and your carer should carry these with you, in your wallet or your phone case, whenever you’re out.

Supported Independent Living: Achieving your goal to live independently.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) enables people with a disability to receive the supports they need to be independent in their own home.

There are a number of wonderful advantages of SIL that many participants benefit from, so it might be the right choice for you too.

The guide is a great resource to help you understand what SIL is, what SIL funding can cover and what you need to do to get SIL supports in your NDIS Plan.

Inclusive Employment ebook

The team at Leap in! want to help people with a disability find meaningful employment and assist employers to make their workplace an environment that allows each employee to contribute their unique talents, skills and insights.

The Inclusive Employment ebook highlights the advantages of employing a diverse team and includes detailed information to help employers create an inclusive work culture including how to:

  • Recruit people with diverse abilities
  • Prepare the workplace
  • Access and provide assistance and support.

We’re here to answer your questions!

The Leap in! Crew is here to help. Give us a call on 1300 05 78 78, email us at or chat with us online on our website (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).

Further Reading

Emergency planning: All you need to know.

Staying safe at home: How to create a home fire safety plan.

What is Supported Independent Living? Plus how to get your FREE SIL ebook.

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