Are you prepared for your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment?

Here at Leap in! HQ, we are always working on how we can help you prepare for your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment. We often hear from members that they’re nervous about their NDIS plan meetings. Being prepared and knowing what to expect is a great way to overcome those nerves. Get plan ready

Staying safe online series: Keeping your information safe.

a person sitting at a table with a laptop open in front of them, looking at their phone.
Technology has become a big part of people’s everyday lives. There are so many different tools we can use to keep in touch with family and friends, find information and stay organised. Here at Leap in! we want to help everyone stay safe and secure when using technology. When you use your mobile phone or computer to access your email, applications

Will the NDIS fund an assistance animal?

young boy in a wheelchair playing with his dog outside
More than just furry friends, assistance animals can support people with disability to live safely, become more independent and complete everyday tasks. Today we take a look at what the NDIS considers when funding assistance animals and the evidence required to support a funding application.    What is an assistance animal? The NDIS describes an

Taxi vouchers and transport support.

young man sitting in the back of a car, smiling at the camera wearing a light blue polo.
Taxi subsidy schemes are a way of providing accessible transport to people who cannot use public transport because of their disability. Each Australian state and territory has a taxi subsidy scheme. However each has different eligibility criteria and works slightly differently. We’ve outlined some starting points for the disability taxi vouchers scheme in each state

What happens when an NDIS participant turns 18?

A teenage girl with down syndrome, sitting at a table in the library, reading a book.
Turning 18 is an important milestone in the life of any young person. It’s a time of excitement, change and mixed emotions for the individual and often for their family. But what happens when a young person on the NDIS turns 18? And how can the NDIS provide support through transitions at this age and

Is your child overscheduled? From Source Kids

student looking back at the camera in a classroom, looking tired
Original story  It’s easy to feel like you need to jam pack your child’s schedule with therapies and activities to help “catch them up”. But at what point does it become counter-productive? Our friends at Source Kids recently published an insightful story about the effects of overscheduling your child by James Pipe. The story includes

Autism – the lived experience of a parent of autistic kids.

Leap in! Learning & Development Specialist, Dee, wear a red polo and glasses smiling at the camera, with a book self behind her.
Dee Thomson is our Leap in! Learning and Development Specialist and a neuro-divergent mum parenting two autistic children. We recently asked her to answer some of our Members’ most commonly asked questions about autism.   What should I do if I think my child is autistic? If you are concerned about your child’s development, it’s a

Autism and the NDIS.

A young mother embracing preschool son, sitting on a couch at home
April is World Autism Month, a time to come together to celebrate and to promote understanding and connection to create a more inclusive world. Here at Leap in! we support many autistic people on the NDIS and their families. And autism and the NDIS is one of the topics we get the most questions about.