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16 April 2024

Preparing for your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment.

Being well prepared for NDIS plan meetings and plan reassessments means you’re more likely to get all the supports you need for the duration of your plan.

We often hear from Leap in! Members that they’re nervous about their NDIS plan meetings. Being prepared and knowing what to expect is a great way to overcome those nerves. 

Here we share some details about how plan meetings and reassessments work and what to do in advance so you can be confident going into your meeting.


What’s the difference between a plan meeting and a plan reassessment?

The process can be different depending on whether you’re new to the NDIS, on a legacy/original NDIS Plan or a PACE Plan.

  • A plan meeting is a meeting you have with an NDIS planner or local area coordinator (LAC) when you get your first NDIS Plan.
  • A plan reassessment is for people who already have an NDIS Plan. Every NDIS Plan includes a reassessment date which is a process of reviewing your NDIS Plan to see if any changes need to be made.

 A plan meeting or plan reassessment can take place in person, over the phone or via video call. It can take place at your home or at your local area coordinator’s office or some other location. Be sure to let your LAC or planner know if you require any assistive aids, an interpreter or will be taking a support person.


If you’re getting your first NDIS Plan.

If you’ve just joined the NDIS, you will most likely be under the new NDIS system, which is being referred to as PACE. Visit our PACE page for more details.

  1. A planner or local area coordinator will review the information you supplied in your NDIS access request and work with you to develop your first plan.
  2. The planner will decide what funding to include in your plan based on the information and evidence in your application or access request. For this reason, it’s important to provide detailed information about your living situation, disability-related needs and supports in your NDIS access request.

Top tip: If you want to choose Leap in! as your plan manager to help you manage the money in your plan, be sure to tell the planner that you would like to endorse Leap in! as your plan manager in your planning meeting. There’s no cost to you for plan management and anyone can ask for a plan manager.


If you’re already on the NDIS.

If you’re already on the NDIS, you may be transitioned to the new PACE system when you’re ready for your next plan.

  1. The NDIS will usually contact you before your plan reassessment date. If no major changes are needed to your existing plan, they may create a new plan based on the old plan without the need for a full plan reassessment. In some cases, your existing plan may be varied and extended.
  2. If there are changes to your support needs or if you have asked for changes to your plan, you will need a plan reassessment. Your NDIS planner will review your current plan and find out what’s working for you and what isn’t, goals you have achieved with your funding and whether there have been any changes to your situation.


Start preparing for your NDIS plan reassessment early.

The first step is to decide on the details for your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment. Would you like it to be in person or over the phone?

This is your chance to ask yourself some important questions. What are your goals? Have they changed? What would you like to achieve? What is stopping you or would make life easier? Give yourself time to really think it over.

Start working on capturing your story in the Leap in! app early in the process so that you can feel relaxed and prepared in the lead up to your meeting. You can add information and come back to it any time – it’s all in one, safe and convenient place.


Information and documents needed for your NDIS plan reassessment.

Being over-prepared is much better than being under-prepared. Use the guide below for helpful information to take to your meeting – you may not need all of these or have others you’d like to include as well. 

1. Leap in! Plan Ready Summary.

  • View, print or share this summary that you can find in the menu of the My Profile section in the app. Include any photos, information and status updates you or your crew have tracked for your goals during the plan
  • A phone or tablet with the Leap in! app, so you can reference any detail you need for amounts spent, allocated or unspent.

2. Documents, assessments or reports.

  • Assessments and reports from some of your service providers showing how your support and services are helping you to achieve your goals. For example, Home modification assessment, Mental health reports, Occupational therapist and speech pathologist reports, Incontinence assessments and Management plans
  • Recommendations from service providers with suggestions for services you might need in the future
  • A copy of your most recent statement from Leap in! (or other plan manager), which shows how your budget has been spent
  • The Leap in! app can help you organise all these documents in one place. Simply upload all your documents to the Documents section of the app for easy access on your phone, tablet or laptop at your plan meeting.
  • If you are seeking funding for Home and living supports, take a completed Home and living supports request form.

3. Your community and mainstream supports.

  • A current support plan from your service provider/s listing all supports
  • A list of informal supports from family members, friends or the community (these can be included in the Crew section of the Leap in! app).

4. Quotes for new supports.

  • Quotes from provider/s for supports or equipment that you would like covered in your new NDIS Plan (this isn’t compulsory, however can help during your meeting).


NDIS planning meeting tips.


  1.  Take a support person. If you feel more confident and able to clearly communicate your needs, goals and personal details with someone you know and trust by your side, ask that person to go with you. Spend some time talking together before the meeting so they understand the process and your goals. That way they can help you communicate all the important pieces of information if required.
  2. Ask questions. Now is the time to ask all the questions you might have about your NDIS supports and plan. Being prepared will help you to relax, be confident and get the answers you need.
  3. Be prepared to chat about your existing plan. Explain what worked and what didn’t. Think in advance about how the NDIS may have helped you achieve your goals and which goals you need more help to achieve. Think about your current supports and why you need them so you’re ready for any questions.
  4. Be clear on the details. This is another area where preparation is key. Know the details before your meeting about things like the impact your disability has on your life, your current goals and what you need to achieve them and your current supports.
  5. Know how you want to manage your NDIS funding. Research options for managing your funding well before your meeting to avoid the stress of deciding on the spot. Do you want to use a plan manager like Leap in, self-manage, be agency managed or use a combination of these?


The NDIS will generally call you to “check in” and discuss your next plan before your plan expires.

  • If you do not need any major changes, the NDIS may create a new plan the same as your current plan
  • If your support needs have changed, you may require a plan reassessment. In this case, they may ask for specific information that will help with the preparation of your next plan such as assessments or reports.

 If you haven’t heard from the NDIS six weeks before your plan ends, we recommend phoning them on 1800 800 110.


What happens if my plan has already reached its reassessment date?

All plans of 12 months duration or longer that reach their reassessment date are automatically extended by 12 months. Plans of short duration will be extended by the original plan length.

For people on legacy plans, service bookings for Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) and Supported independent living (SIL) supports will increase automatically where a plan has been varied to extend by 28 days.

Unclaimed funds within your existing plan and service bookings will be available for 90 days after your plan has been replaced by a newly approved plan.


What happens if my needs change after my NDIS plan meeting?

It’s important you let the NDIS know as soon as your circumstances change or are likely to change. This includes changes in your address, disability support needs, employment or the support provided by family or friends. The easiest way to start this process is to phone 1800 800 110. For more information, read our story My circumstances have changed: What next?


Did you know not all plan managers are the same?

The friendly Leap in! Crew is here to help you navigate the NDIS with confidence. We’re Australia’s leading NDIS plan manager and we’d love to speak with you about the unique benefits of Leap in! plan management. And, did you know that we recently won the Most Outstanding Plan Management Award at the Australian Disability Service Awards?

Give us a call on 1300 05 78 78, email or chat with us on our website (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm AEST)


Originally published 20 December 2019, updated 9 January 2022 and 19 February 2024.

Further reading

How to switch from agency or self management to plan management

Will it cost me anything to work with a plan manager?

Looking for an NDIS plan manager?

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