Psychosocial disability and the NDIS.

Person with glasses smiling at the camera with yellow couch in background
Here at Leap in! HQ, we are often asked whether the NDIS can help people with a psychosocial disability. The answer is yes! The NDIS may cover a psychosocial disability depending on your individual circumstances.  Today, we’ll shed some light on how the NDIS determines eligibility for people with a psychosocial disability and the additional

Troocoo and The ORCA Project.

Mikey and his manager Vanessa working on a laptop
Troocoo, a recruitment, executive search and outsourcing provider, is leading the way in creating career opportunities for people with disability through inclusive workplaces. In addition to being founding members of the Inclusive Employment Movement, along with Leap in!, the business works with Wesley Mission Queensland’s ORCA Project to place people with disability in meaningful job

What is assistive technology under the NDIS?

Every person living with a disability has different needs and needs different supports. Here at Leap in! we want you to make the most of the supports available in your NDIS Plan. Assistive technology has come a long way in recent years. There are so many different types of technology that can make a real

FAQs: The NDIS and assistive technology.

A person with glasses stands outside and smiles at the camera
Assistive technology is a broad term that can include everything from adaptive cutlery to motorised wheelchairs and even home modifications. With different types, values and risk levels, it can be hard to get your head around AT. Today the Leap in! Crew answers your most frequently asked questions about AT so you have a better

What is an NDIS nominee and what do they do?

2 people having discussion
We get asked a lot of questions here at Leap in! HQ. Our crew has loads of experience dealing with the challenges our Members face, including some unique NDIS terms which can be confusing. This week, our Members and their families have been asking about NDIS nominees and what they do so we’ve prepared some

5 tips for getting job ready if you have a disability.

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to making the transition to employment, or even returning to work if you have been out of the workforce for a while. The Leap in! Crew provide some tips for starting your journey to employment. How to get job ready. 1. Get a support crew. Navigating

Resources to help you find a job.

Looking for a job can be hard! The good news is there is plenty of help available if you just know where to find it. The Leap in! Crew has prepared the below list of resources to help you get started. A great place to start. NDIS Employment Supports. The Leap in! blog article NDIS

A guide to early connections under the early childhood approach.

Child raising a hand to answer a question
Early connections are an important aspect of Australia’s new early childhood approach, designed to support young children with developmental concerns and their families. Early connections connect children and their families with early supports and information to develop capacity and improve the child’s opportunities. The important thing to know about early connections is that children do