Mikey and his manager Vanessa working on a laptop
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15 March 2023

Troocoo and The ORCA Project.

Troocoo, a recruitment, executive search and outsourcing provider, is leading the way in creating career opportunities for people with disability through inclusive workplaces.

In addition to being founding members of the Inclusive Employment Movement, along with Leap in!, the business works with Wesley Mission Queensland’s ORCA Project to place people with disability in meaningful job roles.

One job seeker, Mikey, landed a job with Troocoo and has been excelling in his role for over 12 months!

Barriers to meaningful employment.

Australian workplaces are evolving and employee diversity is increasingly more reflective of diversity in our communities. While gender and cultural representation is improving steadily, there is still a significant gap when it comes to creating meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability.

Only 4% of global businesses prioritise disability inclusivity, despite 90% expressing a commitment to diversity overall.

As a result, people with disability are four times more likely to be unemployed. Not only does the gap make it difficult for people with disability, but it could also hinder businesses from succeeding. Research shows that organisations with greater diversity and more inclusive workplaces are more productive, more profitable and create more value for customers and shareholders.

The ORCA Project.

The ORCA Project is a career readiness program for people with disability aged 17 – 21. 

Participants in the program gain new skills and work experience to help bridge the gap between school and employment.

Over a two year period participants progress through four phases – entry, learning, work experience and employment – to prepare for the workforce and achieve their goals.


As a recruitment, executive search and outsourcing organisation, Troocoo has the opportunity to connect with a range of roles in a business – all of whom can have a significant impact on opportunities for people with disability.

Troocoo’s brand promise is ‘invested in people’ and for Scott Horton, Founding Director, that means supporting Australian job seekers of all different backgrounds.

“When people and companies truly embrace diversity and inclusion, everyone wins.” Scott shares.

Mikey’s success.

Troocoo’s partnership with The ORCA Project is part of their initiative to support more inclusive recruitment processes. Through The ORCA Project, the team at Troocoo were educated on the opportunities hiring an ORCA Project participant can offer to a business.

As a result, Troocoo hired Mikey, a young man with a physical and intellectual disability, through The ORCA Project.

During the onboarding phase, The ORCA Project joined Mikey at the Troocoo offices, along with his family, to share ideas and create a plan for Mikey’s role with Troocoo.

He works closely on daily tasks with a number of Troocoo employees and took to his new role quickly, increasing his level of responsibility over time. Through the placement, Mikey has gained independence and confidence and has continued to take on more work and bigger challenges as he continues to evolve with the role.

The right person for the role.

Troocoo has helped executives from a range of businesses interview and hire people with disability and will always review The ORCA Project talent pool for suitable employees as part of the recruitment service they provide to other corporates.

“The key message for organisations to take away is that hiring a person with a disability isn’t a difficult process. Every organisation should employ people with a disability.” – Scott Horton


Further Reading

Inclusive employment: Leap in! ebook.

NDIS employment supports: All you need to know.

A guide to using NDIS support workers who are self-employed contractors.

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