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27 May 2024

A providers’ guide to PACE and changes to the NDIS.

We know it can be hard to keep on top of the recent changes with the NDIS. That’s why we’ve created a three-part series to unpack some of the significant updates and how they might impact your business and clients.

This story covers:

  • What is PACE?
  • Why is the NDIS transitioning to PACE?
  • How will a participant being on PACE affect your processes as a provider?
  • How will PACE impact support coordinators?


What is PACE?

PACE is the name of the new NDIS computer system, which was introduced in October 2023.

The NDIS says the new system is designed to:

  • Improve the participant and provider experience
  • Provide clearer and more consistent information about how decisions are made
  • Make systems and processes more consistent nationally
  • Make it easier to implement recent changes to the NDIS Act.

The system will hold participant information, enquiries, plans and budgets. It also connects to a new “my NDIS” participant portal.

All new NDIS Plans are created in the PACE system, and existing NDIS Plans will be progressively moved to the PACE system when they come up for renewal.

While the introduction of the PACE system offers benefits for participants and providers, it does not fundamentally change how the NDIS operates. 


Why is the NDIS transitioning to PACE?

PACE was designed to offer an enhanced experience for both participants and providers, significantly reduce manual tasks and paperwork, and promote greater transparency between interactions.

It aims to empower participants to have more control over their plans and services, enabling them to make informed choices and actively engage in their NDIS journey.


How will a participant being on PACE affect your processes as a provider?

The simple answer is –  it won’t.

If the participant you are providing services for is plan managed or self managed, nothing significant will change. If your participant is plan managed by Leap in!, please send your invoices as usual and we will process them.

If the participant you are providing services to is Agency managed, they are now required to endorse the providers they want to work with in order to access funding for relevant services. You can find more details on provider endorsements in part 2 of this series.

It is plan managers and support coordinators who see the largest direct impact on their processes.

The NDIS website has more details on the PACE roll-out and expected timeframes.


How will PACE impact support coordinators?

With PACE, the NDIS have introduced new reporting templates for support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches.

These reporting templates will make it easier for support coordinators to:

  • Share relevant and consistent information with the NDIA
  • Capture information in a consistent and standardised way to help NDIA planners and NDIS partners prepare for check-ins and plan reassessments with participants.

The templates ask support coordinators for information about:

  • The participant’s support needs and situation
  • The supports the participant is receiving
  • The participant’s progress in implementing their plan to pursue their goals.

These are now required to be submitted via the “Myplace” portal. To familiarise yourself with any new fields or functionalities, there are more details on the NDIS website.

As always, if you have any questions the Leap in! Crew is only a phone call away on 1300 05 78 78 or email


That’s it for part 1 of the PACE and providers series. Read part 2 and part 3 now!

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